Online Therapy in Guildford

I offer both online therapy, including online CBT, and therapy in Guildford. Although I am a big believer in online therapy, there are times where in-person sessions can be more beneficial. Likewise times when online therapy can be more helpful! For some, a hybrid approach works best. For example, I understand that some people would like to meet me first before moving to online therapy sessions. This would not be a problem. Indeed, I put aside one (sometimes two) clinic appointments in Guildford each week just for new clients who would like to do this.

To help the online therapy experience, I use a strong, stable internet connection (in fact, I have two internet connections just in case one is having an off day!). I also Zoom, a highly secure platform that only requires you to click a link in an email to join the appointment. I am always happy to talk with you too if you have any computer concerns, and my phone is beside me at the start of each appointment so if you have problems logging in, you can call me.